What is Baby Num Nums?

How did Baby Num Num start?

Baby Num Num was something I came up with because of JMonster.

J-Monsters first attempt at food (baby cereal)
At four months old he started wanting bits of what Mr A & I were eating. Being inexperienced parents we are, we just gave anything to him. Chunks of apple, sure. Bit of brocolli? Why not?
And his appitite has just grown from there.

J-Monster's first solids (pear)

By nine months old my JMonster happily muches on brocolli, capsicum, corn, beans, avacado, cherry tomatoes, blueberries, grapes etc, to the suprise of...well everyone we've talked too really.
Mum did some googling and found out what we were doing is actually baby lead weaning.
A concept I love. No mashing, no mushing, no pulverising.
Just give baby the food and if he wants it, he'll work it out and eat it.
It seems so simple.

Brocolli monster!
Yummy Yoghurt!
From there I wanted to still keep his meals simple and easy as he grows but also making sure he gets variety and nutrition.
But finding healthy, simple ideas or recipies for babies & kids isn't as easy as I thought it would be.
They all seem either bland, complicated or unhealthy.
So Baby Num Num was born. A site where mums and dads can come for ideas and recipies of what they can whip up for breakky, lunch, dinner or dessert for even the fussiest of eaters.

So I hope you'll hang around & have a sneak peek at what we've got to offer.
And hope we help make your meals times fun!

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