The Most Important Meal of the Day!

Weetbix & Banana
This is my peronal breakfast of choice. If your a sharer, you and bub can eat at the same time. Or you can both have your separate bowls or of course you could give the little one his banana & weetbix and see what fun he can get up to on his own. (A nice morning bath may be required after)

- 1 banana, chopped into bite size pieces
- 2-4 weetbix
- 1 cup skim milk

Peaches & Cornflakes
This is Mr A's favourite breakfast.

1 cup cornflakes
1 cup tinned peaches

Combine in bowl and enjoy. Great way to get a serve of fruit and fibre in the morning.

Baby/Kids Yoghurt
J-Monster LOVES Yoplait Baby yoghurt. Its the only brand I can find that actually makes yoghurt designed for babies. Why bother with baby yoghurt? Because it is much gentler way to introduce dairy to little tummies. Chuck in some blueberries or mash in some banana for an added health kick.

Fruit Bowl
Very easy idea. If your kids love fruit, try starting off their day with a rainbow filled bowl of fruit. Try and get as many colours as possible in the bowl and their little bodies will thank you for it. Maybe even try adding a spoonful of yoghurt in the middle as a "dipping sauce".

- 1 apple, sliced
- 1

Vegemite & Cheese on Wholemeal Bread
J-Monster has just recently tried vegemite and LOVES it. His new favourite breakfast is wholemeal toast with a lite scraping (remember their little tummies are sensitive) and a slice of cheese on top. YUMMY!

Cheesy Omlete

Apple Pancakes

Fruit Smoothies

Green Monster Smoothie

Bacon, Egg and Toast cups

Overnight Blueberry French Toast

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