Friday 20 January 2012

The First Num Num Recipie; Zucchini Spagetti Bolganase

Tonight, for my first post I decided to try cooking something special and new. In 2012 I'm aiming to eat more meat free dishes and pile up the veggies. I love finding recipies like this one. It takes a normal, relatively healthy meal,that you have eaten a million times and just BAM! gives that something extra. Its even better when that something extra is extra healthy too!

This recipies is bascially like every other spagetti bolangese except for one major difference.
NO SPAGETTI! Thats right, carb free ladies.
The ''spagetti'' is actually made out of thinly sliced Zucchini.
And the best thing, the texture and taste is still that of normal spagetti bol.
You and your munchkins will LOVE THIS!
Yes, this recipie is completely child/baby friendly.


- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 2 large zucchini's, sliced into as thin strips as possible.
- 1 teaspoon minced garlic ( I use garlic salt, its easier)
- fresh basil (or dried)
- 1 onion, finely diced
- 1 capsicum, fined diced
- 1 carrot grated
- 2 cups of Tomato pasta sauce (whichever kind you prefer, Leggo's is my favourite)
- 1 cup of grated tasty cheese.
- Any choice of meat such as chicken, turkey, mince (or veggies)


The zucchini & onion softening in the frypan.

Step 1. Place zucchini and onion into a large frypan with olive oil and basil until zucchini is soft.

Step 2. Add in capsicum and carrot and sautee for 5 mins.

Step 3. If you're having it with meat, cook your meat in a seperate frypan. (I made ours vegetarian)

Step 4. Once meat is cooked add pasta sauce and stir till combined. (Add the sauce directly to the "noodles" and veggies your going vegetaian).

Step 5. Top with cheese as desired & enjoy!

J-Monster having a taste....

Success! He Loves it!


Hi! Hello! 
Welcome to Baby Num Num!
I'm Mummy Num Num and thanks so much for stopping by.
This place is still under abit of constuction but should be all ready to go soon. 

Feel free to find out a little bit more about me and what Baby Num Num is.
And have a snoop around.
More coming soon I promise.
