Who Am I?

Well, I am Mummy Num Num. But you can call me Krystal.
I'm a twenty-two year old stay at home mummy of one. 
I love cooking, Yoga, sunny days, being organised, pedicures
and getting a bit crafty with my paint & hot glue gun.
I seriously hate unmade beds (they freak me out!), washing & ironing, and being sick.
I have become a bit of a fitness & health nut since having a baby. Partly because I gained alot of weight while pregnant (eating whole packets of tim tams doesn't really help eh?) and partly because I want my family to be as happy & healthy as possible.

I'm the unoffical wifey of Mr A.
The kiwi that stole my heart. Kind, charming, & loved by everyone he meets.
His expertise lies in anything sports, napping, eating & putting up with me with I'm sleep-deprived & cranky (I really dont know how he does it?).
Everyday day I am with him he make me want to be a better and happier person.

And this is the J-Monster.
Our 9 month old cheeky, fearless, noisy, always filthy, mischief maker.
A wonderful suprise baby who has changed our lives
and has filled it with mountains of love, tears & laughter.
J-Moster loves long daytime naps, wrestling with his daddy, eating everything and anything, story time with his Granny, walks with his Grumps & cuddles with his mummy.

We all live in one room unit, (which is both wondeful & horrible at the same time) on the outskirts of Brisbane, in beautiful sunny Queensland! When Mr A has time off work we love to spend our days swimming at the beach, on picnics, or just having a family day lying in bed and snoozing all day. 



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